Seed funding
To support the development of strong and strategic research and innovation partnerships between Nordic and Chinese universities, the Nordic Centre is launching planning grants. The purpose is to give researchers from the Nordic Centre member institutions better opportunities to prepare for larger joint research projects and write proposals for major external research grants.
Seed funding call 2022
The application period for 2022 started on March 15 and concluded on October 1. We received several high quality applications, out of which the following five projects were selected to be funded:
1. A Sino-Nordic Research Collaboration on Digital Innovation for Sustainable Health Care (digitalization and technology), University of Oslo, Fudan University
2. Perovskite Hot Carrier Solar Cell as a Break-Through Renewable Energy Source (sustainable development), Lund University, Fudan University
3. Consuming Luxury Today - a comparative study between China and Sweden (sustainable development, Sino-Nordic perspectives), University of Gothenburg, Fudan University
4. Microwave remote sensing monitoring of summertime sea ice change and the impact from high-latitude synoptic weather systems (sustainable development), Uppsala University, Fudan University
5. Playfulness pedagogy and self-efficacy among Chinese and Finnish early childhood teachers (Sino-Nordic perspectives), University of Turku, Beijing Normal University
The next seed funding call will be announced at a later time.
Projects should be within one of the Nordic Centre’s four interdisciplinary thematic focus areas:
- Sino-Nordic perspectives
- Sustainable development
- Digitalization and technology
- Health and welfare
The grant is a lump-sum of 10 000 EUR per project. The funds may be used for costs related to the project application development such as salary costs creating focused time to prepare the application, pilot study costs, travel, meetings, or other costs for preparing the project and build the partnership structure.
More information can be found in the terms of reference (ToR) and application form below:
ToR-Seed funding for Sino-Nordic research collaborations