to Apr 1

Internship at Nordic Centre Autumn 2025

See full description with application instructions here.

The deadline for applying is April 1, 2025. Please send your one-page application letter, one-page CV, and possible other relevant documents to veli-matti.palomaki(at) as PDFs. Interviews will be conducted (online) with selected applicants shortly after the deadline.

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9:00 AM09:00

Workshop: Sated Cities? Probing sufficiency in digitalization, land-use and consumption in China’s urban centres

Workshop: Sated Cities? Probing sufficiency in digitalization, land-use and consumption in China’s urban centres

Workshop coordinated by NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and hosted and funded by the Nordic Centre.

This workshop explores the significant shift in China from traditional ways of organising urban everyday lives to an embeddedness of comprehensive technological solutions over the past 15 years. This shift includes public transportation, food sourcing and eating, and payment systems, to mention a few. Despite urbanisation and consumption trends showing growth, this growth is unevenly distributed, with urban areas seeing much higher per capita consumption expenditure than rural areas. Scholars suggest that e-commerce could help bridge the developmental gap between rural and urban areas by providing employment opportunities and easier market access. However, there are also intra-urban inequalities, such as job accessibility issues in suburban areas, challenges faced by migrants’ children in accessing housing and welfare services, and exploitation of food delivery workers. Digital commerce has increased material consumption more in urban areas than rural ones, and urbanisation and digitalisation have introduced new risks of social exclusion for vulnerable groups such as elderly, the disabled, children and those without access to urban infrastructures. It is an unanswered question whether new digital technology can help to reduce risks of social isolation, loneliness and alienation, close gaps in unmet care needs among the elderly and persons with disabilities, and foster the development of social capital and social cohesion.

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to May 31

Workshop: Fostering Age-Friendly Environments: Bridging Science, Policy and Implementation


Fostering Age-Friendly Environments: Bridging Science, Policy and Implementation Workshop

27 - 31 May 2024

Shanghai, China

The Nordic Center at Fudan University will host a workshop on creating age-friendly environments. This workshop will be led by researchers from NC member universities (including Fudan University, Lund University, University of Helsinki and University of Eastern Finland) who specialize in age-friendly environments and have extensive experience translating evidence into policy and practice.

The workshop has three integral components:

1.     In-person workshop on age-friendly environments.

2.     Discussion on the economy of well-being.

3.     Site visit to age-friendly communities.

Activity timeline

·       May 27 – 29, 2024: On-site workshop

·       May 30 – 31, 2024: Site visit

See here for more information.

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to Oct 26

Nordic Centre Council Meeting, Fall 2023

Registration Form for the Nordic Centre Council Meeting and Related Activities

Registration for the meeting has closed.

Please see the list of roundtables of Shanghai Forum by clicking here.

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to Sep 14

Urban Trajectories: Comparing Integration, Enclaving and Development in Africa and China (workshop)

Urban Trajectories: Comparing Integration, Enclaving and Development in Africa and China (workshop)

Organised by the international and multidisciplinary research project, Urban Enclaving Futures, in this workshop Nordic, European and African researchers met with scholars from Fudan University to comparatively discuss the development and trajectories of urbanisation and housing markets in the African cities the Urban Enclaving Futures project focuses on: Accra (Ghana), Johannesburg (South Africa) and Maputo (Mozambique). This was compared with trends in contemporary China, and focus on how local families, real estate developers, (inter)national companies and state agencies navigate the housing market.

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9:00 AM09:00

Sufficiency, sustainability, and food in urban China: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities

Sufficiency, sustainability, and food in urban China: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities (workshop)

The ERC project «A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China» (MidWay) visited the Fudan Nordic Centre and co-organised a local workshop on “Sufficiency, sustainability and food in Urban China”. The main aim of the workshop was to connect with relevant stakeholders in Shanghai and to discuss food, sufficiency and sustainability perspectives from a social science and humanities perspective to inspire further collaboration between the two parts. The workshop featured presentations and discussions by approximately 20 participants, including MidWay’s scientific advisory committee, invited speakers, and researchers and academics from Fudan University.

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to Jul 14

Nordic Centre Summer Course: Business and Innovation in China 2023

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8:15 AM08:15

Hybrid research meeting: Aged care in context and across discipline

The Nordic Centre one-day hybrid research meeting: Aged care in context and across discipline

8.15-17.00 (CET), 17 April 2023, University of Gothenburg, Sweden & zoom

Registration (both for on-site and Zoom participation) latest by April 10.

See the full program here.

In both Nordic and Chinese contexts, aged care is to be in urgent need of action and encounters a lot of challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the language of challenges. As such, University of Gothenburg in Sweden will organize one-day hybrid research meeting on aged care under the co-operation with University of Oslo in Norway and Fudan University in Shanghai as well as Pinetree Care Group in Beijing. Our one-day hybrid research meeting on aged care in context and across discipline invites researchers working in Nordic and Chinese member universities from across disciplines including medicine, economics, sociology, public health, psychiatry, social work, organization and management etc. that explore aged care in context, among others, mental health care, dementia care, home care, institutional care at regional, community, national, and international level.

Our research meeting seeks to transcend physical boundaries by building and offering a hybrid conference model to boost simultaneous communications for on-site participants from Nordic member universities and on-line participants abroad from Chinese universities and other interested audiences, whereby all delegates are afforded equal participatory and experiential spaces within our hybrid meeting.

The research meeting will address the following themes on which we invite researchers from Nordic regions and China to share their cutting-edge research:

Theme 1: Social, cultural and economic perspectives on aged care

Theme 2: Medical perspectives on aged care (dementia care, mental health care)

Theme 3: Organizational and managerial perspective on aged care

Theme 4: Technology and innovations on aged care

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9:00 AM09:00

Webinar: E-governance for all: Towards Accessible Government Websites

Online conference on law, policy design and implementation concerning improving accessibility of e-governance applications in Chinese and Nordic contexts, organized by a multi-national team of researchers from Norway, Estonia and China.

Webinar main organizer: Research Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship (CEDIC) at Oslo Metropolitan University.

Click here for more information or here to register.

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to Oct 7

Transparency and Opaqueness: Nordic and Chinese Perspectives on the Ethics of Managing Innovative Organisations, Sustainability & Responsible Research

A group of 19 Chinese and Nordic management and organisation studies scholars from Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, BI Norwegian Business School, University of South-Eastern Norway, University of Oslo, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Roskilde University, Aarhus University and ESC Clermont Graduate School of Business, will organise a conference in Antibes, France, 5-7 October 2022, titled Transparency and Opaqueness: Nordic and Chinese Perspectives on the Ethics of Managing Innovative Organisations, Sustainability & Responsible Research.

The participants will be presenting and discussing their papers across three main themes, namely: 1) Responsible Science, Research & Innovation for and with Society; 2) Business Ethics, Public Discourse, Inclusion of the Marginalised and Societal Impact; and 3) Responsible Management, Sustainability and the Values of Art. An additional aim is to explore future collaboration across our countries and institutions in terms of research projects and applying for funding grants centering on topics that address societal ‘grand challenges’. Co-Programme Chairs are Professor David S. A. Guttormsen (USN) and Dr Kristian Alm (BI).

The conference received Nordic Centre funding for academic events.

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to Oct 27

European Education Fair 2021



This event will be postponed. The new date for the European Education Fair will be announced later.

We are excited to inform you that the Nordic Centre and Austrian Centre of Fudan University, Campus France, Swissnex, Innovation Centre Denmark, and Hungary will repeat last years’ success and organise an Online European Education Fair. 

Time: October 26– 27, 2021, 09:00-12:00 AM (CET) 

Online Platform: Zoom

Name “European Dream – European Education Fair 2021”, the event aims to promote European higher education in general, as well as to create opportunities for Chinese students to communicate directly with representatives from European universities. We would like to give European universities the opportunity to reach out to students of several of the world's best universities.  

No participation fee

Our service includes:

  • Participate with name and logo on our marketing material.

  • Present your university on Zoom to the students of Chinese best universities.

  • Get the video of the Zoom presentation after the fair for marketing purposes.

If you would like to register for the European Education Fair 2021, please register by filling out this form below. We will contact you with the details of the fair and the optional training session after your registration!

Unfortunately, only public universities from Europe can participate in this event. Universities of applied sciences, private universities or private music conservatories can unfortunately not take part in the fair. Please contact your respective academic exchange organization about offers for universities of applied sciences and private universities.

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to Oct 19

25-year anniversary celebration

Nordic Centre at Fudan University celebrates its 25-year anniversary this fall.


A series of events celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Nordic Centre at Fudan University were held both online and offline during October 17 and 19.  

As a joint-venture between Fudan University, the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) and 24 Universities from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, the Nordic Centre at Fudan University has served as a platform since its founding in 1995 for initiating and developing research and educational programmes, activities, conferences and workshops of shared interest to Nordic and Chinese scholars. After years of development, the Centre has played a key role in boosting exchanges and cooperation between universities in China and the 5 Nordic countries. The Centre has now 25 full members and 3 associate members – NIAS, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and the Ocean University of China. 

The anniversary ceremony was held on October 18, with representatives from member universities gathering online. 

Xu Ningsheng, president of Fudan University, addressed the ceremony via a video link. He said the efforts of the Board, the Council and the Secretariat chaired by different Nordic member universities have resulted in significant breakthroughs and outputs in the past 25 years, and the Centre has managed to operate with innovative ways in the face of the pandemic unseen in a century. Xu hoped that more students and scholars, especially young scholars of the member universities could gather to work more efficiently for the betterment of mankind. 

Kalle-Antti Suominen, Nordic Centre board member and vice-rector of the University of Turku, Finland, made keynote speech on Sino-Nordic collaborations.

Tang Xu, executive director of IRDR-ICoE on Risk Interconnectivity and Governance on Weather/Climate Extremes Impact and Public Health, delivered keynote speech on “International Collaboration: Risk Interconnectivity and Governance on Climate Change Impact, Weather/climate Extremes, Air Pollution and Public Health”.

The ceremony was moderated by Per Cramer, chair of Nordic Centre Board and Council and dean of the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Li Huajun, vice president of Ocean University of China and academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Ma Fei, assistant vice president of Xi 'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University also sent congratulatory messages via video links.

The ceremony was followed with a Rectors’ Round-table discussion on the role of universities in a global crisis, which was joined by heads of 13 member universities, including Aalborg University (Denmark), Hanken School of Economics, University of Eastern Finland, University of Tampere, University of Turku (Finland), University of Iceland, Norwegian Business School, Oslo Metropolitan University, University of Bergen, University of Oslo (Norway), Lund University, University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Fudan University.

Recognizing the four thematic areas for Nordic–Chinese research collaborations identified in the Nordic Centre new strategy, i.e., Sino-Nordic Perspectives, Sustainable Development, Digitalization and Technology and Health and Welfare, the rectors/presidents and vice-rectors/presidents reached consensus that universities should play a more important role in the face of multiple global crises, including COVID-19, climate change and ageing population. The achievements of the Nordic Centre over the past 25 years have proved that it can provide an excellent platform for exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Nordic higher educational institutions. In the future, member universities should make better use of this platform to strengthen academic cooperation between China and Nordic universities and tackle global challenges jointly.  

On the evening before the ceremony, the Centre held an offline reception for its 25th anniversary in Shanghai.

Jacob Linulf, consul general of Denmark in Shanghai, spoke highly of the Nordic Centre in promoting scientific research and cultural exchanges and cooperation between Nordic countries and China. He pointed out that in the face of many global challenges of this era, it is more necessary for us to strengthen communication and international cooperation, especially in the field of scientific research and education, so as to solve our common problems. 

Chen Zhimin, vice president of Fudan University, expressed gratitude to the support for the Nordic Centre from all sectors. He said the decision of establishing the Centre 25 years ago has proven to be a far-sighted one, as the Centre has achieved great success over the past years. The Centre has grown into an important bridge for people of Nordic countries and China to enhance mutual understanding and knowledge sharing by organizing a number of academic, educational and cultural activities every year. In the face of the pandemic, universities around the world should work together to explore better solutions to the complex challenges facing mankind.

The reception was also joined by Lise Nordgaard, consul general of Norway in Shanghai, Marie-Claire Sward Capra, consul general of Sweden in Shanghai, and Tiina Rinne-Aguilar from General Consulate of Finland in Shanghai.

On October 19, three academic seminars on social policy, arctic research and cultural heritage were held simultaneously. Over 40 scholars from Fudan university, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Nanjing university, Sun Yat-sen University, University of Gothenburg, Stockholm University, Lund university, University of Bergen, University of Oslo, University of Helsinki, University of Lapland, University of Iceland and other colleges and universities joined the seminars.

In the future, the Nordic Centre at Fudan University will strive to make outstanding contributions to the in-depth cooperation between China and Nordic countries in the fields of education, research and culture.

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to Oct 14

Sino-Nordic Doctoral Intensive Course



Due to the circumstances caused by the coronavirus, the doctoral training in Ageing Population Studies is organised in three parts:

  • three introductory online meetings in December 2020, in March 2021 and in June 2021

  • sessions online in the autumn semester 2021, obligatory for completing the course and for obtaining 3 ECTS credits

  • optional 5-day intensive period (2 ECTS credits) at the Nordic Centre at Fudan University, Shanghai in the spring semester 2022, if the travel restrictions allow, complementing the obligatory virtual sessions

The students who will finish their PhD studies in 2021 will be able to complete the training online. During the 5-day intensive study period in Shanghai next spring, it will also be possible to teach and learn in face-to-face discussions and on field trips.

Thanks to a mobility funding from the Finnish National Agency of Education, the participating Finnish universities will invite five Chinese PhD students to Finland for one week in 2021 - 2022 and organise joint webinars on selected topics stemming from the course discussions. One Chinese PhD student will be invited to Linköping University. The timing of the visits will be agreed upon between each university and the Chinese PhD student in question. The Chinese students can participate in local research seminars, create networks and use the local facilities for the benefit of their own studies. The funding is available also for the students who complete their PhD studies during the training if they continue working in one of the organising universities.

Copyright: Gerontology Research Centre GEREC

Copyright: Gerontology Research Centre GEREC

The four principal themes of the training are

  • digitalisation in the lives of older adults

  • services for older adults

  • social relations of older adults

  • societal responses to ageing.

Preliminary programme  See here

Abstracts of lectures See here


No tuition fee, lunches as well as all other events in the programme are included. Participation for the entire programme is required.


3 ECTS for the obligatory online sessions + 2 ECTS for the optional intensive period in Shanghai, decision on recognition to be made by students’ home universities.


PhD students of relevant fields of research from Chinese universities and from the member universities of NC Fudan.

Outcomes for students  

Different and comparative perspectives to one’s own research concepts, support for individual research work and Sino-Nordic networking.

Main organisers             


Fudan University

Zhejiang University

Nordic Centre at Fudan University


Tampere University

University of Eastern Finland

University of Helsinki

University of Lapland

University of Turku


Linköping University

Further information 

Leena Uski, Tampere University (

Kirsi Korpela, University of Turku (, out of office in July


CHEN Honglin

Dr. Honglin Chen is a professor and the vice chair at the Department of Social Work, Fudan university. She is both the editorial board member and reviewer of many international journals. Dr. Chen serves as the deputy committee member, Aging Division, Social Work Education Association of China and the Committee member of Shanghai Municipal Preventive Medicine Association, Branch of Social Medicine. She is also a Sino-Sweden Linnaeus-Palme Visiting Professor at the social work department of Gothenburg University (2014-) and Sino-America Fulbright Scholar at the Gerontology school in USC (2015-2016).

Her current research interests focus upon: Gerotechonology, evidence-based social work practice, and intervention among MCI patients. Particularly in respect of social work with older adults and family. She has published more than 50 papers internationally. She is a good partner for teamwork and has been actively engaged in a few interdisciplinary research projects worldwide. Dr. Chen has a stout belief on transferring research knowledge to practical world and has been engaging in many community services. 

Minna Zechner

Associate Professor (tenure track)

Social Work (Welfare Services and Policies)

University of Lapland

P.O. Box 122 96101 Rovaniemi, Finland

+358 400 13 8878

Minna Zechner works as an Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of Lapland at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Her research interests include care of older adults, including informal and formal care as well as care in transnational settings. Her research is qualitative and she is experienced also in comparative research, especially of policies on care and ageing.

Tarja Välimäki

University lecturer, PhD, docent

University of Eastern Finland

Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Nursing Science


Tel: +35840 3552267

Tarja Välimäki works as a university lecturer at the Department of Nursing Science. Her research deals with older people's care, especially on family caregiving and memory diseases. Dr. Välimäki is currently senior researcher in several projects on older people's care. She is a principal investigator on longitudinal study developing easy access group interventions at care homes. Dr. Välimäki's interests focus on psychosocial interventions in dementia care.

Ageing in China and Strategic Responses

Yuan Ren (Fudan University)

Ren Yuan

Abstract: Based on demographic analysis, the speaker will introduce the general situation and historic process of ageing in China. The speaker will explain reasons of China's fast ageing, and illustrates main challenges of ageing to people's wellbeing and demands for betters social security and aged care system. The speaker will explain the main global strategies responding ageing, including healthy ageing, active ageing, productive ageing and successful ageing, and so on, and discuss the implication for China's public policies on ageing issues.

Yuan Ren is a professor at Fudan University’s School of Social Development and Public Policy, and Institute of Population Research (IPR). He was awarded as the “New Century Excellent Talents” by National Ministry of Education in 2012, and he was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Brown University (2015-2016). His recent publications include China’s Next Urbanization (2017), Post-Demographic Transition (2016), Reshaping Welfare Institutions in China and the Nordic Countries (2014), and etc.

Ilkka Pietilä

Assistant professor

University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences


tel. +358505912672

Ilkka Pietilä is an assistant professor of social gerontology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland. His research has explored people’s gendered interpretations of health and ageing, with a particular interest in ageing men and masculinities, ageing and embodiment as well as older men’s communities, grandfatherhood and retirement. Recently he has also studied policies aimed at extending working lives in European countries and participated in EU-Cost Action Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life. Pietilä has published journal articles in such journals as The Gerontologist, Ageing & Society, Health Psychology, Journal of Aging Studies, Men and Masculinities, Sociology of Health and Illness, and Social Science and Medicine. He has supervised three PhD theses and is currently a supervisor of around 10 doctoral students. Pietilä is a member of editorial board of Journal of Aging Studies, officer-at-large in the research committee of sociology of ageing of the International Sociological Association as well as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Nordic Gerontological Federation.

HU Yan

PhD, Professor, RN, FAAN

Professor HU Yan is dean in School of Nursing Fudan University, director of Fudan University Center of Evidence-based Nursing, a Collaborating Center of Joanna Briggs Institute. She is also acting chair of CMB China Nursing Network (CCNN), which is the collaborating network funded by China Medical Board (CMB). She acts as Editorial Board Member of Journal of Advanced Nursing(JAN), International Journal of Nursing Practice, and other peer-reviewed nursing journals. Her current research focus are on supportive care and quality of life of breast cancer survivals, and symptom management for HIV/AIDS patients using evidence-based nursing approach. She has research funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), China Medical Board (CMB) and Shanghai Health Bureau et al, with more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed International or Chinese core nursing journals during the recent five years. Recent years, professor HU Yan and her research team is working on developing and implementing nursing practice guidelines for patient with HIV/AIDS and involving in global health projects.

Kaisa Mishina

University teacher, senior researcher

University of Turku

Faculty of Medicine

Department of Nursing Science

Tel: +358 40 533 8798

Kaisa Mishina works as a university teacher at the Department of Nursing Science, and as a senior researcher at the Research Center of Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku, Finland. Dr. Mishina has been involved in several multidisciplinary research projects related to interventions in health care. Her research interests are mainly related to mental health, addictions and substance use. Her expertise is in the area of development, assessment and implementation of digitally delivered interventions. Currently, she is either leading or being closely involved in three wider research projects: 1) digitally delivered universal parent training program in public health care, 2) health and wellbeing of people who inject drugs, and 3) the occupational safety of nurses working in psychiatric hospitals.

Yan Yan

Coordination and integration of formal and informal community care resources: Experience from Shanghai and its international implication

Yan-Yan Chen, PhD and Associate Professor from Social Work Department, Fudan University. Her research interest includes gerontological social work and poverty research. She had participated in research projects on subjective experience of the urban aged poor, community factors promoting aging in place, continuous care and chronic disease management from social work perspective, integration of health care and social care for elders living in community, etc. Some of her papers were published on Journal of Aging and Mental Health, Ageing & Society, Qualitative Health Research, etc.

Eija Kärnä


University of Eastern Finland, School of Educational Sciences and Psychology


Tel: +358 505 662404

Eija Kärnä works as a professor of Special Education at the Faculty of philosophy, University of Eastern Finland. Professor Kärnä has been involved as a principle investigator in many national and international development and research projects. All development and research projects have been multidisciplinary. She is currently the leader of four externally funded projects: 1)Research-based reinforcement of skills related to enhanced special support in teacher education and in-service training (TUVET) funded the Ministry of Equation and Culture, 2) ACCESS – Supporting digital literacy and appropriation of ICT by older people funded by the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) "More Years, Better Lives - The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change" and the Academy of Finland, 3) Expanding learning environments and support in early childhood education (LaTVA) funded by the Regional Council of North Karelia, 4) Peer Interactions involving Children with Autism Spectrum disorder in inclusive classrooms (PEICAS) funded by the Academy of Finland. Her research interests are inclusive learning environments for all ages, technology for individuals with versatile needs, and digital literacy for various age groups.

Kirsi Lumme-Sandt

University lecturer, adjunct professor

Faculty of Social Sciences

Tampere University, Finland

tel. +358 40 1901606

Kirsi Lumme-Sandt works as a university lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Her main task is to develop the faculty’s doctoral training. She is also a director of Gerontology Research Center (, which is a collaborative effert of Universities of Tampere and Jyväskylä.

She is a senior researcher in several multidisciplinary research projects in the field of ageing. She is a co-PI in a project, where it is studied ageing workers and their workability as well as their thoughts and possibilities on prolonging their work careers. Last 20 years she has been part of a team, which studies people, who are more than 90 years old. She has been in charge of their biographical interviews. Dr. Lumme-Sandt is also known of her work on image of old age in Finnish popular media.

Outi Jolanki

Dr., Docent, Research Director

Tampere University, Faculty of Social Sciences


Tel. +358 40 190 1660

Outi Jolanki works as a Research Director in the Tampere University. Her central responsibilities are linked to the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare, in which she acts a co-leader of the Tampere University research group in collaboration of the University of Jyväskylä. She has been involved in several large-scale research projects on interlinkages of ageing, family care and housing and care policies (WOCAWO, MOVAGE, LinkAge, ASUVA), and patient choice in social and health care (VALINT). Her current research focuses on ageing in place and housing of older people, in particular new housing models which promote social engagement and reciprocity of the residents, and offer accessible environment and care services.

Her teaching experience covers topics of social gerontology, housing and care policies, and qualitative research methods. She contributes to the work of scientific community as the Editor-in-Chief of the Finnish journal of gerontology (Gerontologia), the Section Editor of the International Journal of Care and Caring (IJCC) Debates & Issues, a member of the editorial board of Journal of Ageing Studies (JAS), and as a board member of the European Sociological Association (ESA) Research Network Ageing in Europe. Her work on housing and care has led her to collaborate with public sector, third sector and private sector actors as well with the citizens’ associations.

Yan Fei

YAN, Fei, MD. Ph.D, is Professor of the Department of Social Medicine at the School of Public Health of Fudan University in Shanghai, China. She has been long engaged in teaching and research on social medicine. Her research areas cover health services and health system research, especially on primary health care, equity on health and health care for the vulnerable groups, health human resource development, and disease control. She has played a leading role in dozens projects funded by the Ministry of Health of China, the EU, the WHO, UK DFID, the China Ministry of Science and Technology, the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau and other agencies. Projects she has been involved in provided policy recommendations and contributed to government policy-making that led to improvement. She has been appointed as a national consultant on several China programs, and collaborates with both developed and developing countries involving in global health programs.

Elisa Tiilikainen

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)

Social Work (Effectiveness of Social Services)

University of Eastern Finland

P.O. Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio, Finland

Elisa Tiilikainen currently works as an Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) at the Department of Social Sciences. Her research has focused on loneliness, social relations and social exclusion in later life from different perspectives. In addition, she has worked in a large consortium project examining effectiveness of group based care management for older people living alone. Methodologically Tiilikainen is has a special interest towards  life course research and narrative gerontology.

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to Aug 15

University of Eastern Finland: Neuro-Innovation Ph.D. Program


The University of Eastern Finland is inviting applications for seven Early Stage Researcher (Doctoral Student) positions in the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund DP project Neuro-Innovation: Research and innovation for brain health throughout life. The focus is on one of the following research areas and topics.  

  • Early Stage Researcher, Neurobiology of Disease

  • Early Stage Researcher, Innovation Management

  • Early Stage Researcher, Neuroinflammation research

  • Early Stage Researcher, Algorithmic data analysis

  • Early Stage Researcher, Non-coding RNAs in the brain

  • Early Stage Researcher, Multiscale imaging

  • Early Stage Researcher, UEF – Nordic-UK Brain Network

The full-time funded ESR positions begin 1 May 2022 at the latest. DL for applications is 15th August. Further information in the attachments and link 

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9:00 AM09:00

Online Conference "Totality and Inter-subjectivity: Reexamining Community in Contemporary Nordic Literary Studies"


In this tumultuous moment haunted by Covid-19 outbreak, the notion of community is under great challenge. It is now more important than ever to consider how we may continue to (re)shape our “community” as we locate ourselves in it, or are forced to distance from it. When we examine Nordic literature as a community, its (inter)subjectivity in the global literary context might be a dynamic field in which we can consider how we can respond productively to the community in crisis and how the boundaries among disciplines, languages, and cultures can be revised. In essence, how are we beginning to restructure, rebuild, and rejuvenate (inter)subjectivity of national literature in Nordic community and relocate the Nordic literary community in the global context?

On the one hand, the efforts made should be committed to “building up”: making connections and creating meaningful dialogues across and between languages, texts, cultures, historical phenomena, and academic fields. On the other hand, attention should be paid to the meanings arising from distances and detachment near the borders. Considering the tension mentioned above, we invite submissions from all disciplines, including but not limited to literary and cultural studies, linguistics, history, women’s and gender studies, disability studies, anthropology, education, environmental studies, and creative arts.

Possible paper topics in Nordic literary studies might include:

*Redefining the meaning of select key terms such as “community,” “identity”, “crisis”, and others.

*Cultural translation as a form of reconstruction

* Boundaries of identity in a (post)modern world

*Redefining “the center,” rethinking the canon in relation to world literature

*Distance and fragmentation: rejecting “wholeness” in literary studies

*Borderlands theory and split consciousness

*Pauses and silences in discourse

*Performativity, including theatrical performance, as construction and reconstruction

*Redefining divisions along national, linguistic, and ethnic borders *Rebuilding communities in exile; diaspora and refugee studies

*Reorienting the subject

*Fragmentation in communication and representation: trauma, latency, and (post)memory

*Redefining the body in post-trauma narratives

*Creative writing, visual art, and performance projects that address the topic in some form

The conference will be held online on November 7, 2020. More details will be announced in the upcoming days. The deadline for paper abstracts is September 20, 2020. Abstracts of a maximum of 250 words should be submitted via email as a Word document to

We also welcome panel proposals of 3-4 speakers. For additional information about the conference, please contact the organizers, Zhu Jianxin ( and Chen Liang (

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4:00 PM16:00

European Education Fair 2020

2020 European Education Fair Poster.jpg

We are excited to inform you that the Nordic Centre and the Austrian Centre of Fudan University will organise an Online European Education Fair on Friday, October 30th.  


The universities will present in 3 different digital rooms and we will use Zoom. You do not need to have a registered Zoom account to join. However, you might be asked to use the Zoom app (which can be downloaded for free). You have to register with your student email on the registration form in order to get the links to the digital rooms.

Registration form click here (报名方式请点击此处)

Please register early since there is a limitation on the number of participants. The deadline is October 30th by 12:00 pm Beijing time.

NOTICE: If you haven’t received any emails after the deadline, please check the spam folder of your email, and write to

Participating institutions:

(Please click on the university names to enter their official websites.)


Danube University Krems

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

Linz School of Education, Johannes Kelper University

Modul University Vienna

Montanuniversität Leoben

Private University College for Teacher Education Vienna

Technikum Wien GmbH

TU Graz

Webster Vienna Private University

University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten

University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt

University of Vienna


University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Czech Republic

Palacký University Olomouc

University of Hradec Kralove

University of Ostrava

University of Pardubice


University of Copenhagen

University of Southern Denmark


University of Eastern Finland

Tampere University

University of Turku


ESSCA School of Management


RWTH Aachen University


Eötvös Loránd University

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Kodolanyi Janos University

Obuda University

Széchenyi István University

University of Nyíregyháza

University of Pannonia

University of Physical Education

University of Pécs


University of Iceland


EKA University of Applied Sciences

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

RTU Riga Business School

The Stockholm School of Economics in Riga

University of Latvia

Ventspils University of Applied Sciences


Erasmus University Rotterdam

Radboud University

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

TIAS Business School, Tilburg University

University of Amsterdam, Economics and Business


Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

University of Bergen


Transilvania University of Brașov

University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest

West University of Timisoara


Lund University

Stockholm University

Uppsala University


ETH Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Institute of Ancient History, University of Basel

University of St. Gallen

Institutions that can offer one-on-one meetings:

(Please use the contact information below to schedule an appointment with the institution directly.)

EKA University of Applied Sciences

Olga Marnica,

Eötvös Lorány University

Zsófia Hangyál,

ESSCA School of Management

Liqing Chen,

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

Andrea Stopajnik,

Institute of Ancient History, University of Basel

Victoria Landau,

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Nikolett Csorvasi,

Kodolanyi Janos University

Anna Zhang,

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

Ligita Vaita,

Linz School of Education, Johannes Kelper University

Zsolt Lavicza,

Lund University

Johan Gunnarsson,

Modul University Vienna

Monica Ng,

Obuda University

Ferenczy Anna,

Palacký University Olomouc

Dominika Ďurišová,

Private University College for Teacher Education Vienna

Thomas Schrei,

Monika Greiner,

Radboud University

Liz Bouten,

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Welkin Xiao,

RTU Riga Business School

Technikum Wien GmbH

Hsiu-Yen Wu,

TIAS Business School, Tilburg University

Ava Lai,

University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest

Florin Stanica,

University of Amsterdam, Economics and Business

Ulrika Honee,

University of Bergen

Nedelina Naydenova,

University of Copenhagen

David Allington,

University of Hradec Králové

Lenka Badinska,

University of Iceland

Haflidi Saevarsson,

University of Latvia

Zane Svilane,

University of Ostrava

Marketa Mikova,

University of Pécs

Krisztina Riszt,

University of Southern Denmark

Kim Jensen,

University of St.Gallen

To be advised.

University of Turku

Are you interested in continuing your studies in Finland? The University of Turku offers Master’s Degree Programmes and Doctoral Programmes in various fields for international applicants. Register below for a meeting with representatives of the University of Turku October 30 at 19.00 Chinese time and learn more.

Uppsala University

Xin Dai,

Ventspils University of Applied Sciences

Liga Koloda,

Webster Vienna Private University

Deidree Dino,

West University of Timisoara

Roxana Diaconescu,


Brochures and information from the universities in Room 1

Brochures and information from the universities in Room 2

Brochures and information from the universities in Room 3

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to Jul 23

First Online Summer Course-Business and Innovation in China

  • Google Calendar ICS

Despite the influence of COVID-19, Nordic Centre didn’t cancel the summer course but instead moved it online for the first time. 12 students from 7 different Nordic universities participated in this course via Zoom and completed all the assignments with excellent performance.

Group picture on Zoom

Group picture on Zoom

This online course maintains the same high academic quality since Nordic Centre invites 10 guest speakers across various fields and industries to give the students a wide picture of China, different from what they perceived solely from the Western media.

Although the students could not physically come to Shanghai and experience the city, our Programme Officers managed to show them around by live streaming from different locations in the city such as the famous Bund, Peal Tower, skyscrapers in Lujiazui, Xin Tian Di and Yu Garden. The students really enjoyed the digital tour and gave positive feedback.

Famous landmark in Shanghai: Nanjing East Road near the Bund

Famous landmark in Shanghai: Nanjing East Road near the Bund

In the evaluation survey conducted after the course, all the students rated the course as “very good“ and will 100% recommend it to other Nordic students in the future.

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to May 29

POSTPONED: Nordic Centre’s Biannual Conference 2020: Ageing and Global Healthcare Challenges

Nordic Centre’s Biannual Conference 2020:
Ageing and Global Healthcare Challenges

Originally planned for 28-29 May 2020 — POSTPONED — NEW DATES TBA
Nordic Centre, Fudan University Biannual Conference (takes place at Fudan’s Medical Campus)
Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Official website: here 

Address and Venue: 
Inside of the Medical Campus of Fudan University
Address: 138 Medical Road, 200032 Shanghai, China 
In Chinese: 上海市医学院路138号 
Meeting room information will be updated here:

Abstract deadline: 6th Dec 2019
Registration and pay: here (will open from October 2019)

Call for Abstracts and Participation
Ageing is the greatest risk factor for many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and neurodegeneration, especially Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, among others. The global average age is increasing dramatically because of improved healthcare system and changes in lifestyle. Accordingly, the ageing society brings formidable socio-economic challenges. In the past decades, our understanding of the mechanisms of ageing at molecular, cellular, individual, and societal levels has greatly expanded. This enables scientists to develop novel strategies to improve healthy ageing and to prevent or treat age-related diseases through lifestyle modifications, pharmacological interventions, and novel therapeutics. This conference will bring together leading ageing researchers working on molecular, cellular, individual, and societal levels of ageing, from around the world, including The University of Oslo, Copenhagen University, Uppsala University, Karolinska Institute, Fudan University, Peking University, Duke Kunshan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong, National University of Singapore, among others.

The major aim of the conference is to foster communications, interactions, and collaborations among the ageing researchers, and to provide unique training opportunities to the undergraduate and graduate students, postdoc fellows, and early career ageing researchers. Our final goal is to explore new therapeutics and interventions to extend healthspan and lifespan in the elderly.

Organizing Committee
Dr. Evandro Fei Fang, MBBS, Ph.D. (Chair) Group Leader, University of Oslo (UiO) and Akershus University Hospital, Norway The Norwegian Centre on Healthy Ageing, Norway Tel: +47 92230968; Mobile: +47 92230968; Emails:; Web, here

Prof. W. Y. Chan, Ph.D. Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Email: Web, here

Prof. Na HE, Dean, School of Public Health, Fudan University, China Tel: 86-21-54237625; Email: Web, here

Prof. Linda Hildegard Bergersen, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology, Vice-Dean of Research, Faculty of Dentistry, UiO, Norway Professor Neurobiology of Ageing, CEHA, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Mobile: +47 97032049; Email: Web, here

Prof. Lene Juel Rasmussen Acting Director, Centre on Healthy Ageing, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: (+45) 35 32 67 17; Email: Web, here

Prof. Magnar Bjørås Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway Tel: +47 95081497; Email: Web, here

Prof. Shenglan Tang Director, Global Health Research Center, Duke Kunshan University, China Tel: +1 919-519-0802; Email: Web, here

For abstract submission, please use the provided template (download here), then send to Dr. Evandro F. Fang ( by 6th Dec 2019.  Submissions after the deadline will not be considered, but are still welcome to attend this meeting after registration.   For participants with abstract (poster), registrations are mandatory. Flights and hotels will be covered by the participants themselves. 

Oral talks
Excellent abstracts will be selected for oral talks by the organizing committee. List for oral talks will be released by 20th of November 2019. For participants of oral talks, registrations are mandatory (so please register at the time you submit your abstract). Flights and hotels will be covered by the organizers. 

Invited Speakers
For invited speakers by the organizers, registrations are not necessary. Flights and hotels will be covered by the organizers. 

Registration, including payment of registration fee (open October 2019): here

To Dr. Evandro F. Fang (

or Magnus Jorem  ( )

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10:00 AM10:00

Thomas Buttenschøn: HIV/AIDS Awareness Talk - "Communities Make the Difference"

Thomas Buttenschøn Talk on HIV/AIDS Awareness : “COMMUNITIES MAKE THE DIFFERENCE”27 November, 10.00 in Room 101 at Nordic Center, Fudan University, Shanghai | English | Free entryIntroduction :Today, the medical treatment for HIV is so effective tha…

Thomas Buttenschøn Talk on HIV/AIDS Awareness :


27 November, 10.00 in Room 101 at Nordic Center, Fudan University, Shanghai | English | Free entry

Introduction :

Today, the medical treatment for HIV is so effective that HIV-infected people live just as long as everyone else. Yet, many still fear HIV and become anxious when meeting people living with the disease. Their notion of a life with HIV and HIV-infected people is bound to old images and ideas, which lead to the discrimination and stigma of people living with the disease. People with HIV are now facing the fear of society’s reaction to the sentence”I have HIV”, and do not dare to talk openly with others about the disease.

Thomas Buttenschøn has taken a leading step in raising awareness about HIV through the power of music. His organisation, Muchimba Music Foundation is dedicated to creating positive change within society with his songs. Thomas’ songwriting has taken him around the world from his home country of Denmark to his motherlands of Zambia. It is within these journeys that Thomas has seen, first-hand, just how the power of music can change the hearts and minds of entire communities. Music is a powerful tool. The Muchimba Music Foundation harnesses that power and uses music to enlighten, to empower and to draw people together.

Thomas was born in Zambia in 1985, to a Zambian mother and Danish father. Thomas and his parents were diagnosed with HIV shortly after his birth. Unfortunately, both of his parents lost their battles to AIDS in 1994 when Thomas was only 9 years old. Thomas, too, was not expected to survive, but he has.

Orphaned in Denmark, Thomas turned to music as a therapeutic salve in dealing with the harsh realities that HIV impressed upon him at an early age. Now a leading voice in Danish pop and beyond, Thomas is driven and determined to use his platform to help spread his messages of positivity and social awareness. This is why the Muchimba Music Foundation was formed. To raise awareness through music.

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6:00 PM18:00

Norway in China: An Ocean for Opportunities


ANSA and Nordic Centre will be hosting an event where you can learn about the future of Sino-Norwegian Maritime opportunities in China. Speakers from Kongsberg Maritime and the Norwegian Seafood Council will present insights on the developments in digitization within the shipping industry, and the future of Norwegian seafood in China. The event will conclude with a fun, casual quiz-night and time to mingle.

Be sure to join us and explore the Ocean of Opportunities!

介绍 Introduction:

11月14日,挪威海外留学生协会将与北欧中心共同举办“充满机遇的海洋”主题讲座,届时将邀请到康斯伯格海事以及挪威海产局的专家为大家解读海洋产业的数字化发展趋势,以及挪威海产品在中国市场的未来前景。讲座后还另设有quiz night的互动环节,我们准备了免费的饮料零食,期待大家的参与哦!

时间 Time:

11月14日,周四晚, 18:00 - 21:00

Thursday, November 14,18:00 - 21:00

地点 Venue: 


Room 208, Majinming Building, Fudan University, Handan Road 220, Yangpu, Shanghai

注册报名 Registration:


Please scan this qr code to register

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6:00 PM18:00

NOVO Quartet Concert


Time: November 6th 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Last admission 5:45 p.m.)

Venue: Auditorium 202, Sub-East Wing, Guanghua Tower, Fudan University, 220 Handan Road

Sign-up: Please scan the QR code and sign up for free

NOVO Quartet was formed in 2018 and consists of four students from the Royal Danish Academy of Music. They have participated in masterclasses with famous and highly respected professors from all over the world, and received extremely positive remarks for their performances. NOVO Quartet has already played a wide range of repertoire for a variety of concerts, and won many awards in international competitions. 


C. Nielsen - String Quartet No.1 Op.13, g minor

  • Allegro energico

  • Andante amoroso

  • Scherzo: Allegro molto

  • Finale: Allegro (inquieto)

F. Mendelssohn - String Quartet No.6 Op.80, f minor

  • Allegro vivace assai

  • Allegro assai

  • Adagio

  • Finale: Allegro molto

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8:30 AM08:30

The 10th International Symposium of Complex Science Management

Venue: Room 201, Nordic Centre, Fudan University

Time: Nov 3, 2019, 8:30-20:00


08:30-09:00 Arrival and registration

09:00-09:15 Welcome address

09:15-10:20 Keynotes I

30’ 徐绪松

30’ 陈劲

10:20-10:40 Coffee break and photo session

10:40-12:00 Keynotes II

20’ 牛东晓

20’ 李北伟

20’ 谢科范

20’ 夏昊翔

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Keynotes III

20’ 郑湛

20’ 刘刚

20’ 唐讴

20’ 刘阳

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break and networking

15:30-17:30 Wrap-up and plenary discussion

18:00-20:00 Dinner

Organized by Linköping University, University of Southern Denmark, Fudan University, Tsinghua University, and others

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to Nov 2

External event: Norway-Asia Business Summit

The Norway-Asia Business Summit 2019 (NABS 2019), first organised in 1998, is today the most important meeting arena between Norwegian and Asian business leaders. The target audience is business and industry leaders, government representatives, technology innovators, business support organisations, experts and academia, international organisations and media. The objective is to strengthen trade and investments between Norway and Asia, and enhance cross border cooperation between leading institutions, companies and technology clusters.

Nordic Centre will be represented at this year’s event, as programme manager Magnus Jorem is moderating two sessions on Friday, November 1, one on intellectual property rights (IPR), the other on sustainable food production in the oceans. The overall theme of NABS this year is ocean tech.


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1:00 PM13:00