DCS2017 - Program

Venue: Nordic Centre at Fudan University, Handan Road 220

Room 302 (third floor). Please see for directions on campus

Day 1 (Thursday 19.9.)

9:15-9:45 Registration

9:45 - 10:00 Opening by Jyrki Nummenmaa (Tampere University)

10:00 Keynote speeches

Keynote 1. Stig Hjarvard (University of Copenhagen):"Public Service in the Age of Social Network Media".

Keynote 2. Guolin Shen (Fudan University): "Governance with Internet in China"

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Tutorial on social media analysis

Part 1. Xing Wu (Shanghai University): "Introduction to social media analysis"

16:00 - 17:30 Session 1

Benedicte Brøgger (BI Norwegian Business School): "The algorithm fallacy"

Marina Svensson (Lund University): "Mediated visions: IT entrepreneurs and internet visions in China"

Day 2 (Friday 20.9.)

9:00 - 10:30

Session 2

Barbara Schulte (Lund University): Education and New Technology

Dawei Meng: "Research of Chinese international discourse power realistic predicament and coping strategies in digital media era"


10:45 - 12:15

Session 3 (two presentations)

Hui Yu (Fudan University): "On online political participation"

Stefan Brehm (Lund University): "Let’s talk! Are online stakeholder dialogues empowering Chinese citizens?"

12:15 - 13:45 Lunch


Session 4 (two presentations)

Shishi Fang: Mapping the social media propaganda and manipulation from the perspective of global view

Jan Aarne Scholte: Complex hegemony: The IANA transition in global internet governance