Ep 10 Remote sensing technologies in the Arctic

This episode features an interview with Ding Tao, Associate Professor at the School of Information and Science at Fudan University, who researches remote sensing in the Arctic. Navigating through the iceberg filled Arctic Sea Route is dangerous without advanced data and imaging technology. Dr. Tao will be taking part in a seminar on the Arctic organized by Nordic Centre and Umea University on April 26th. This episode is part of our series on the Arctic region and China's role in its development. 

Ep 10 Remote sensing technologies in the Arctic
Nordic Centre, Shanghai

Ep 9 Belt and Road Initiative and the Northern Sea Route

Back in the second episode of this podcast, we interviewed two scholars on China’s aspirations in the Arctic region, the University of Oslo’s Iselin Stensdal and Fudan Development Institute’s Arthur Guschin. In this episode, Arthur is back, this time with a lecture for economics students from Gothenburg University, which was part of a series of lectures on Chinese society that Nordic Centre organized for them. The lecture discusses infrastructure investments, resources extraction, and in shipping in the Arctic along the Northern Sea Route, and China’s role therein, including perspectives on the Belt and Road Initiative, which is Beijing’s signature foreign policy. 

Recorded in December 2017.

See the slides here.

Ep 9 Belt and Road Initiative and the Northern Sea Route
Nordic Centre, Shanghai

Ep 8 Fashion and Intellectual Property

This episode is a recording of a public lecture by Heidi Harkonen, a scholar at the University of Lapland, who combines her background in studying fashion design with her current research field of law. Heidi is a specialist in intellectual property rights in fashion – a very current subject for one of the world’s biggest industries, where the line between inspiration and copying is often very blurry. In the lecture, Heidi goes through different kinds of intellectual property, from copyright to trademark to patents, as they apply to fashion in different legal systems; and as you can hear in the recording, answers a range of questions from Fudan University law students.

Recorded in November 2017.

See the slides here.

Ep 8 Fashion and Intellectual Property
Nordic Centre, Shanghai

Ep 7 Welfare, Well-being and Harmony in World Society

This episode of the Nordic Centre podcast is a recording of a public lecture held on October 17, 2017, by professor of legal culture Hanne Petersen from the University of Copenhagen. It explores conceptions of welfare and wellbeing in different legal cultures, with a focus on Greenland and China, and in doing so touches upon a range of ideas about community, harmony, and relationships between man and nature in these vastly different places.

Recorded in October 2017.

See the slides of this presentation here.

Ep 7 Welfare, Well-being and Harmony in World Society
Nordic Centre, Shanghai

Ep 6 The Sino-Icelandic FTA Negotiations

This episode is a recording from our annual summer course Doing Business in China. We had the great honor of booking Minister Council Ragnar Baldursson, the deputy head of mission at the Icelandic Embassy in Beijing. Mr. Baldursson was a key person in the final stages of negotiating the Free Trade Agreement between China and Iceland-- an agreement now being studied by his Norwegian counterparts, who are interested in their own bilateral FTA with China now that relations have been fully normalized. Mr Baldursson focuses his lecture on some of the sticky points in negotiations and how to get around them, where the key of course is understanding the interests and concerns of the person on the other side of the table. At the end of the lecture, Mr. Baldursson – who besides being a diplomat is a scholar of Chinese philosophy – also talked about some of the conceptual mismatches between Chinese and European cultures, and how they affect understandings and misunderstandings of government. 

Recorded in July 2017.

Ep 6 The Sino-Icelandic FTA Negotiations
Nordic Centre, Shanghai

Ep 5 Culture and Business

This episode is one of the opening lectures of our annual summer course Doing Business in China by professor Can Seng Ooi from Copenhagen Business School. The topic is the relationship between culture and business, and whether cultural understanding and adaptation really matter to success in the Chinese business world. Is a European or American business mindset sufficient in China, or should one do as the Romans when in Rome, so to speak?

Recorded in July 2017.

See the slides of this presentation.

Ep 5 NC podcast: Culture and Business
Nordic Centre, Shanghai

Ep 4 Political Reforms in China

This episode is a recording from our annual summer course Chinese Politics and Society. The lecture is by associate professor Liu Chunrong, a political scientist, who is the Executive Vice Director of the Fudan European Centre for China Studies, located at Nordic Institute of Asian Studies in Copenhagen. Professor Liu was one of this year’s main course instructors, and in this talk he discusses some of the key political reforms shaping the Chinese system.

Recorded in June 2017.

See the slides of this presentation.

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Ep 4 NC podcast: Political Reforms in China
Nordic Centre, Shanghai

Ep 3 3D Printing and IP

In this episode you will hear a public lecture given by Mikko Antikainen at Nordic Centre on legal issues pertaining to 3D-printing technology. These include – but are not limited to – issues of intellectual property. Mikko is pursuing doctoral studies in law at Hanken School of Economics in Finland, and was a visiting scholar at Nordic Centre in spring 2017.

Recorded in March 2017.

See the slides of this presentation.

Ep 3 3D Printing and IP
Nordic Centre, Shanghai

Ep 2 China's interest in the Arctic

Interview with Iselin Stensdal, PhD fellow at the University of Oslo and researcher at Fridtjof Nansen Institute, and Arthur Guschin, visiting scholar at Fudan Development Institute and former visiting scholar at Nordic Institute of Asian Studies.

Recorded in December 2016.

Ep 2 China and the Arctic
Nordic Centre, Shanghai