Summer Courses
The summer course Business and Innovation in China will again be held in Shanghai from July 11 to July 25, 2025.
More information and application form:
Business and Innovation in China 2025 presentation
Preliminary course program and syllabus
Course description and practicalities:
The course will include academic lectures, practitioners' guest talks, company visits, teamwork exercises as well as individual assignments through which the course takes its participants on an exciting journey full of discoveries about China and what doing business and innovation here involves. This journey will lead through theory and practice of various organizational levels, business processes and complex contexts surrounding them.
Member institutions are responsible for handling applications for their own students. The deadline for submitting chosen candidates to the Nordic Centre is March 10. Students are to submit their applications to the international offices before this deadline. Admissions will be confirmed by March 31.
Each member university is allocated three places for the course. If your university has more interested students, you can send us a waiting list together with the main nominations. If other member institutions do not use their quota, it will be possible to add more nominations from the waiting list.
Main instructor:
Associate Professor Dmitrij Slepniov, Aalborg University
For students:
You can apply by contacting the international office (or similar unit) at your home university, if your university is a member.
The course Business and Innovation in China is designed for Master level students, but graduating Bachelor students may also be enrolled. If a member university does not have enough nominations of students with Bachelor degree studies completion, they can nominate candidates at the last year of their Bachelor studies. Note that priority is given to master students.
You can apply to the course regardless of your major, but the difficulty of the course will naturally be higher if you are not already somewhat acquainted with the academic field at hand.
The course participation fee is 1000 CNY, and students will cover their own costs for travel, accommodation, food, insurance and local transport. Visa invitation letter, when needed, will be issued by the Nordic Centre and we can give recommendations to the students on nearby accommodation. The expenses from an overnight trip to a nearby city (Hangzhou or Suzhou) will be partly covered by the Nordic Centre.
Upon completion of a paper after the course, students can be granted 5 ECTS academic credits (policies at different universities vary, so we recommend checking this with your home university).
See a video about Business and Innovation in China 2019.