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Eating, wellbeing, and nutrition in ageing societies


Food4Growth Conference会议

Eating, wellbeing & nutrition in ageing societies


Nordic & Chinese perspectives
Nordic Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai April 16, 2018

9:00 – 16:00

Organised by
Aalborg University, University of Eastern Finland, Fudan University, Innovation Centre Denmark in Shanghai & Nordic Centre at Fudan

2018年4月16日 9:00-16:00 复旦大学北欧中心

丹麦奥尔堡大学 东芬兰大学 复旦大学 丹麦创新中心 复旦大学北欧中心 联合主办

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Human life expectancy has increased dramatically over the past centuries. Today we can expect to live nearly 50 years more than in the 18the century. Better public health, better food safety, food security and diet are some of the main causes for the populations living longer and this is a challenge in particular in developed countries both for families and for the healthcare system. This conference addresses the challenge and presents different approaches from China and the Nordic countries. It builds on the long-lasting cooperation between the two regions within the food and nutritional care in the framework of Food4Growth. It gives forecasts of the nature of the challenge and solutions that can address the challenge. It outlines solutions that we have identified to be the most challenging. The conference takes a closer look at the Nordic approach in relation to how eating, nutrition and food service can be dealt with in ageing societies in order to secure safe, nutritious, healthy and liveable eating solutions. It presents some of the promising results from the last decades of R&D in Denmark and China.



MORNING SESSION: 9:00 – 12:45 上午日程:9:00 - 12:45

09:00-09:20 Official opening and welcome address 会议开幕及欢迎致辞:
Consul General Nicolai Prytz, Innovation Centre Denmark in Shanghai & Magnus Jorem, Programme Manager, Nordic Centre at Fudan
丹麦(上海)创新中心 Nicolai Prytz 总领事;复旦大学北欧中心项目经理周迈先生

Nutritional care and support – what are the problems

09:20-09:40 Malnutrition in the elderly – what do we know 老年群体中营养不良问题的探究 Professor Jianqin Sun, Huadong Hospital at Fudan University
复旦大学附属华东医院 孙建琴教授 

09:40-10:00 Living and eating in dementia care – insights from China 从中国视角看老年痴呆患者人群看护中的起居及膳食
Anna Birthe Bach, Director of internal training, Jiayi Senior Care. 
佳怡(音译)养老院内部培训总监 Anne Birte Bach 

10:00-10:15 Break 茶歇

The Nordic perspectives 北欧视角:

10:15-10:35 How digital welfare support technologies can remedy undernutrition  – case insights from DIMS and NutriDia programs 数字福利支持科技如何助力改善营养不良——以药品信息管理系统和NutriDia为例
Bent Egberg Mikkelsen, Dept of Learning & Philosophy, professor Aalborg University
奥尔堡大学认知心理学系 Bent Egberg Mikkelsen教授

10:35-10:55 Human resources for nutritional support – the region North experience in the field of nursing. The physical surroundings, assistant feeding, aspects and dilemmas. 配套环境,辅助进食等方面的困境 营养支持中的人力资源管理——以丹麦北部护理行业为例
Pernille Kronriis, B.Sc. Nutrition and Health and Bent Fuglsbjerg, Head of department, M.Sc. SOSU North, Aalborg
北丹麦大学学院 营养与健康专业学士 Pernille Kronriis 和院长 Bent Fuglsbjerg

10:55-11:20 Facilitating learning and change in health care institutions 健康保障机构内部如何持续学习和改进
Professor Kristian Larsen, Aalborg University
奥尔堡大学 Kristian Larsen 教授

Chinese perspectives 中国视角:

11:20-11:40 Why is it important to monitor intake among hospital patients? Case of Zhongshan Hospital 监控住院病人饮食摄入量的重要性——以复旦大学附属中山医院为例 
Gengsheng He, Professor, Fudan University
复旦大学 何更生教授 

11:40-12:00 Assisted and independent senior living in China – how to handle food and eating.从食品和饮食角度看中国需要辅助及独立生活老年人生活
Ulla Lindegaard Hjorth, Yiheyuan Nursing & Senior home
上海颐和苑老年之家 Ulla Lindegaard Hjorth

LUNCH BREAK: 12:15 – 13:30 午餐
Invited by Innovation Centre Denmark in Shanghai 由丹麦创新中心赞助



下午日程 13:30-15:00 起居及饮食(小组讨论形式)

Visit the 5 concurrent group break out stations and get more insight and a face to face talk with the moderator at each booth. Take a look the posters and hear some thoughts on what the Nordic model can offer within the different themes. We will take notes on the discussions and provide a summary in the plenary session.

Break out station 1: Digital Welfare technology for dietary assessment & monitoring. Bent Egberg Mikkelsen. Dept. of Learning & Philosophy, Aalborg University
奥尔堡大学 Bent Egberg Mikkelsen

Break out station 2: Sensory stimulation in the field of nutrition & eating and the use of welfare technology in the field of nutrition & eating.  Pernille Kronriis, SOSU Nord
北丹麦大学学院Pernille Kronriis

Break out station 3: Managing change and learning in professional settings in health care Kristian Larsen, Professor, Dept of Learning & Philosophy, Aalborg University
奥尔堡大学,学习与哲学系,Kristian Larsen教授

15:30-16:00 PLENARY SESSION: CONCLUSION, NEXT STEPS and WRAP UP 全体大会:下一步计划和致闭幕辞:
Professor Bent Egberg Mikkelsen, Professor Jianqin Sun and Professor Gengsheng He.
Bent Egberg Mikkelsen 教授,孙建琴教授,何更生教授。

16:00 CLOSURE 会议圆满落幕

*Read a recent project by one of the main organizers here: The Aalborg model tackling nutritional challenges at hospital
